From the legendary Takashi Murakami to reknown artists such as Ayako Rokkaku, Madsaki, Joan Cornella, Takeru Amano and Izumi Kato. Or perhaps you like to add a little fun from Mr Doodle? Here we bring you the latest in comtemporary art. TWINManga focuses on bringing modern art with a twist of fun in the form of prints and sculptures mirroring our taste.

If you see a particular work that you are interested in, you may place an offer by emailing or send us a message through instagram to @twinmanga

We will review your offer and advise if this is accepted. Once we agree on a price, we will organise a safe transaction through our platform.

Prices in Australian Dollars ($AUD)


Mr. My Street, 2020
from $1,499.00
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Mr. Kowloon in Hong Kong – Walking, 2020
from $2,999.00
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Mr. In a corner of this town, 2021
from $1,599.00
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Mr. Pinkish gold 2022
from $1,599.00
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Mr. Evening sister and convenience store, 2022
from $1,499.00
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Mr. Perfectly Armed!, 2021
from $1,399.00
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Mr. So Good! , 2021
from $1,499.00
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Mr. - Anytime, Anywhere, 2020
from $2,990.00
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Mr. - I'm Just Waiting on a Friend, 2020
from $1,599.00
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Mr. Gravity Machine, 2021
from $1,499.00
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Mr. Twenty Flight Rock, 2021
from $1,699.00
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Mr. Song that never ends, 2020
from $1,999.00
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Mr. Harajuku Kiss, 2021
from $1,499.00
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Mr. "Do it!"
from $1,799.00
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