Nathan Paddison

Art inspiration: Inspired by his childhood, Nathan’s works are embedded with a “never grow old” attitude, just like his childhood hero Peter Pan.

Style: Contemporary abstract. Nathan describes his art as raw, natural and gangsta-like!


  • 2x Lester prize art prize

  • 3x Naked and Nude art prize

  • Kilgour prize

  • Peoples choice award winner

Favourite Artist: Nathan’s favourite artist is quote “himself” (and we love it!) and then CY Twombly!

Favourite piece you have worked on: Two Pack or Chews your ware pen/ Choose your weapon which features a unicorn Hulk Hogan and t wrecks all lined up.

Exhibitions: Nathan has had solo exhibitions all around the world including America, South Korea, Spain, Lebonon, Taiwan and of course back home in Australia.

Future plans: Nathan says his plans are to concur the world or in his words, become the biggest artist the world has ever seen! Good luck Nathan, we will be with you all the way to the top!


Eury Kim


Mad (Maddalena Fanfani)